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The Robert Scott Bell Show

Robert Scott Bell
Robert Scott Bell


Robert is the leading US health and wellbeing radio host – and now shares his shows with UK Health Radio. Six days a week Robert Scott Bell empowers his listeners with healing principles that can aid in physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, economic and, yes, even political healing! Robert hosts the fastest two hours of healing information on radio, dealing with everyday health issues from the perspective of alternative/holistic health care. Robert Scott Bell tackles the tough issues and shows no fe

Robert empowers his listeners with healing principles that can aid in physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, economic and, yes, even political healing! Two hours of healing information on radio, dealing with everyday health issues from the perspective of holistic health care. He tackles the tough issues and shows no fear when confronting government and corporate bullies who would stand in the way of health freedom.


The Robert Scott Bell Show


Forever Chemicals mortality, PFAS regulation, Period Cramps and the Big Pharma Employee, Pain-Free Period Life, POM paraquat, The Fitness Doctor, Full Body Fix Event, Medical cash prices and MORE!

The Robert Scott Bell Show


New cancer discovery (not really), Visions of Joy, Improving eyesight naturally, Fish consumption fears, Children’s Health - By the Numbers, Rob Verkerk, Alliance for Natural Health International and MORE!

The Robert Scott Bell Show


The Be Healthy Utah Conference! COVID-Flu Vaccine for Babies, World Liver Day, Diabetes insulin agenda, Poopy food system, OTC antidepressants, Long COVID, Questions of the day, Theridion and MORE!

The Robert Scott Bell Show


Jonathan Emord, FISA spying, Bayer weedkiller immunity, Additives on trial, Food as medicine Renaissance, HHS COVID Vaccine Heist, Slaughter-free sausages, Homeopathic Hit - Teucrium Marum and MORE!

The Robert Scott Bell Show


Prescription Drug induced fatalities, Leading Cause of Death, Become a Health Investigator, Homeopathic Hit - Tarentula Cubensis, Prescription compliance, Seafood PFAS, Vaccine injury legal help and MORE!

The Robert Scott Bell Show


CDC Trust Failure, Covid jab adverse reactions, $10bn Long Covid moonshot, Parasite cleanse, Plastic recycling fraud, Integrative Orthomolecular Cardiology, Homeopathic Hit - Tanacetum Vulgare and MORE!